This item is incompatible with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The Short Player together with the Chair player are going to push short and check the site. Basic Strats #4 Inferno B-Push
(Try and isolate duels and trade between the players)The palace person stays in palace watching jungle and stairs for anyone pushing. Basic Strats #7 Mirage A-Split v1
This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Basic Strats #21 Inferno Aps-Push
CSGO Mirage Trivia.
It is very good to run on a full-buy round since it uses a lot of utility. Please spam comments on my steam profile. The B guy has to check under, that means PopFlash under and check at the same time with the peek from Middle. Share. To say that grenade management is more important on T-side Mirage than on any other side in the entire game is a bold statement, but one that I'm willing to make. Add your own strat to our database or just read all the existing strats. Knowing the callouts of the map you are about to play is a very vital part of playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive because it helps communicate better to your teammates about the opponents. This item is incompatible with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Then trough underpass shooting to apartments one flashbang may be thrown to b site the back to spawn and out to a site with the last flashbang. Here you can find all strats for the cs go map Mirage. Basic Strats #15 Inferno B-Split
If he's not smoked off he can bounce a flashbang on the wall so that it bounces past balcony and flashes any potential threat hiding in shadows.If he is smoked off, on the other hand, he has another option. Go’s to palace. The bomb planter throws 2 flashes into CT as the 2 players take CT.Then as the bomb planter plant the player at palace goes out and holds site with the planter.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. by Mads | Apr 14, 2020 | Counter-Strike, Cache, Dust 2, For Beginners, Inferno, Map Guides, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, Train, Vertigo. The AWP-er from Middle checks Under and Short push, so the 3 Players from B have to check only Kitchen and Apps (if the A-Ramp guy dies).players 4,5 smoke off jungle(bottom stairs) and stairsplayers 1,2,3 rush into site and then 2 of them push ctthe underpass player should re-smoke window and molly jungle from there and go to ladder room wait for mistakes // the b player should be flank on ct or short as well // the bomb will be planted for short the ladder room player must be the winning piece of youThis tactic is based on a “giveup” round, what you wanna do is buy p250 if you’re on a low budget, then everyone needs to go fast into apps or sneak until the reach the intrence to A-site, throw a smoke out the entrance and fall onto b-site like a Waterfall, do your best to get the bomb Down on a-site and try to get a couple of frags.1 Rifle goes palace, 1 A ramp, 1 B aps and 1 underpass.One person that is staying behind throws 2 flashes allowing the other 3 players to rush the site.
We'll give you all datapoints you could want from a match. DEMO ANALYSIS.
On Mid the AWP-er checks the Window smoke and a player is pushing up to Chair, where his job is to check Short. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Basic Strats #16 Mirage Default A-Take
or mollied, depends. © Valve Corporation. Favorite. have not played this in ages hard to tell what I had in mind but that must be it lad You need to sign in or create an account to do that. If the defending players are on the site you can push and go for trade kills and make it a three-versus-three situation where you have planted the bomb and the remaining CTs will have to fight you as well as the clock.I usually have one player below T-ramp protecting his teammates while they throw the smokes and one player in palace, whose job it is to use utility grenades to help his team with the push. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, By shhanzi. Basic Strats #20 Cache B-Split
After that Molotov Connector and take the Mid. I hope I can really help improve your tactics if you are playing with a full-premade team. Basic Strats #6 Dust 2 B-Split v1
I really appreciate it if you give me feedback on my work!
You want to have three players coming from ramp (green, orange & yellow), one from palace (purple) and the last player, the lurker, from underground (blue). He throws 2 flash bangs to site, while Player 5 and the intire team runs to A.Kill everyone and plant the bomb to default. Basic Strats #24 Dust 2 A-Split incase of an AWP in CT Mid
Basic Strats #3 Inferno A-Split
He can either use the flash mentioned above or he can throw a molotov down to shadows and force any player there to move out in the open to a disadvantageous position.Once you have the site your number one priority is to protect your bomb carrier. I'd suggest that you put in a few extra hours learning grenades on Mirage. On this site you see an overview of all the competetive CS:GO maps.Here you can read or add your own strat to our database or just check out the basic infos for each map. The general idea is to take control over one area at a time and limit the number of angles you have to check as you attack the bombsite. Add your own Counter-Strike Global Offensive strategy into our database or just check out the existing strats. Basic Strats #11 Overpass A-Split
Just don't let the CTs stop him from planting as that'll give rotating players more time to get in position for the retake.You can also have a guy lurking in mid or underpass, ready to kill any counter-terrorists trying to rotate through connector.Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors.Thank you for signing up to PC Gamer.
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