It is the sixteenth primary installment in the Call of Duty series.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Kill streaks are so annoying. Let's list all the pro's and cons: Pro's: Free maps, guns, and updates. Horrible communication from the devs, known issues with fixes coming at much later dates or left unfixed. /r/ModernWarfare is the developer-supported, community-run subreddit for the Modern Warfare community. Sometimes I am like "Wow.
And great guns. Modern Warfare the best and the worst CoD at the same time. This game has been out for so many months and there has been zero new maps released.I think it’s super good. There are plenty of cod games that I'd rank lower than this one.
It’s just dumb. And this is what drives me nuts. /r/ModernWarfare is the developer-supported, community-run subreddit for the Modern Warfare community.
Just leave then. /r/ModernWarfare is the developer-supported, community-run subreddit for the Modern Warfare community. Listening to youtubers who think they know more than anyone else because they have some numbers next to there name.My personal opinion is it's pretty good. Then I they were getting rid of dots on the minimap, and I knew this was going to be your classic IW stinker game. The price for online packs are ridiculous. YouTubers are trying to create content and so it’s hard to stomp on people when there’s an aggressive SBMM blocking that. If they hate this game, then why do they constantly make videos about it saying how bad it is?
it‘s just click baitThe maps are the worst ever.
Which all goes for places like reddit as well.I feel like everytime a new CoD comes out, we go through this same thingPersonally I'm loving the game. It’s simply a boring game to play for anyone with skill and that can’t be overlookedAs for why they continue to play and make videos of it the answer is simple. Plus it brings me back to my highschool years lolthey are called "Influencers" for a reason. it‘s what they do for a living. Of course there are frustrating things, but that happens in every COD. In my opinion, this call of duty is just as annoying as the other call of duties. I enjoy using most guns. I'm playing now and its non stop campingMore things is head glitching shits are everywhere and way harder to kill due to the annoying weapon sway and recoil. Like I said I love the game.This is the most fun ove had with a cod since they went futuristic. They have tried being too realistic and the game is ass cheeks because of itI haven’t bought/played any cod games since BO3. It has good graphics. Challenges not tracking correctly.
Just felt worse than the other COD'sYeah its 161 GB on my PS right now. BO2 and 3 were great IMO.Also CAMPERS EVERYWHERE.
It is the sixteenth primary installment in the Call of Duty series. I think I’ll stick to it even after it’s life cycle tbh, I really haven’t enjoyed a cod in many years like this one, it’s sort of a love hate relationship with some of the issues though.This game is weird, lower skill players and casuals love it but than you have guys like Scump calling it the worst COD ever.Love the gameplay, hate the progression design. JBaLLEN66 5 months ago #1. Not average or excellent. I mainly play MWR now.
I do hate it.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast/r/ModernWarfare is the developer-supported, community-run subreddit for the Modern Warfare community. Huge updates that don’t even fix the problems they are trying to address. Feedback.
A game that is both amazing and absolutely horrible. It's no harder to streak, the games are all at your skill level so it seems that way, it's just actually meant to be somewhat fair now.Overall, the game has a fine perk system (not special like the old mw2 and mw3 systems with leveled perks, that was excellent). Ridiculous and I only have 500GB and only get 400gb out of it anyways because of the operating system and other shit installed. User Info: JBaLLEN66.
Probably not, because I'm biased towards the ones I played first in the series. Part of what makes the maps bad are the addition of doors.
Fair battle pass system and a … They've overstepped it now and it feels like a chore. Just an absolute disgrace. Horrible. All I know is regardless I keep coming back for more.Only game in the franchise in my opinion that is better is the masterpiece BLOPS 2, this is by far the best multiplayer shooter I have played in years, this is just my opinion and to taste but I haven't stopped playing since release and enjoy every minute even if I lose a gunfight or spawn on a killstreak, I just carry on and have a blast.Maybe on of the best in this console generation comparing it to the jet pack CoDs, however, not even close to the original MW trilogy 10 years ago.I like it, it's fun, decide what modes you like beforehand though, because you will only really have fun if you're into one a lot.I absolutely love gunfight that's my jam, I have friends that only like Search and Destroy, we don't really play other modes.Having played every CoD since the beginning, this is the worst. Its fun as hell and the only game I can play for hours without growing bored rapidly.
It's all fomo (fear of missing out) based, using time to pressure you into playing more.
I’m a casual player. There’s no map that’s tolerable. This is one of the best CODs in years despite its problems. It’s their job.I honestly have no idea. Shuffling playlists will not do it either. Harder to streak. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed.