UC San Diego has a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) to prevent or reduce the discharge of oil into navigable waters. If over 10,000 gallons in total oil storage capacity, you will need a professional engineer to certify your plan.Additional information for Natural Gas Processing Facilities (40 CFR 112). A spill prevention, control and countermeasures plan must discuss how the facility meets the requirements for oil spill prevention and containment.
To help prevent the discharge of oil from non-transportation related onshore and offshore facilities into U.S. navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires non-exempt facilities to prepare spill prevention, control and countermeasures (SPCC) plans. (949) 824-6200 EH&S (949) 824-5223 After hours -UCI Police SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTERMEASURES Although most oil spills are accidental, they are common events.
An official website of the United States government.Due to the danger oil spills cause to public health and the environment, every effort must be made to prevent oil spills and to clean them up promptly once they occur. The campus SPCC plan identifies management measures that must be implemented wherever oil and oil-based products are used or stored to prevent spills and promptly respond to accidental releases. CONCAWE Reports (published by the Oil Companies European Organizations for Environmental and Health Protection), Emergency planning guidance notes: Due to COVID-19 concerns, all drills through April 30, 2020 have been postponed. Lees, F.P., 'Loss Prevention in the Process Industries: Hazard Identification, Assessment and Control', Second Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996. CDFW's Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) is the state’s lead for response to oil spills in its inland and marine waters. Generation and implementation of effective emergency response and spill control procedures are fundamental aspects of a safety management system.
Understanding Oil Spills and Their Clean-Up. When determining the oil storage capacity, the maximum volume (capacity), not the actual amount of oil that is in the container at any particular time, must be used.When determining if a facility could reasonably discharge oil into navigable waters, factors that should be taken into account include:When determining if a facility could reasonably discharge oil into navigable waters, according to the SPCC regulation, man-made features such as equipment, dikes, levees or other structures that would restrain, hinder, contain or prevent an oil discharge cannot be taken into account.A spill prevention, control and countermeasures plan must discuss how the facility meets the requirements for oil spill prevention and containment. As the old adage states, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The purpose of the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) rule is to help facilities prevent a discharge of oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines.
Jacksonville Spillage Control (JSC) was formed in 1970 as Florida’s first member-owned oil spill prevention and response cooperative.
They include all waters used in interstate or foreign commerce, all interstate waters including wetlands, and all intrastate waters, such as lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes or natural ponds. All spills will be documented and maintained by the EHS Manager in the Facilities Services Office.Annual training for SPCC will be held at the Facilities Departmental Quarterly Safety Training Meeting. In addition, owners and operators are required to conduct discharge prevention briefings for your oil-handling personnel at least once a year to assure adequate understanding of the SPCC Plan for that facility. If you consider the applicable factors described above and determine a spill can reasonably flow to a waterway, navigable water or adjoining shorelines, then you must comply with the SPCC rule.Yes, and you do not have to file the plan with EPA.
The general requirements for SPCC plans are located in 40 CFR 112.7. Every effort must be made to prevent oil spills, and to clean them up promptly when they occur. If you have additional questions about the SPCC program, please call our Oil Information Center at (800) 424-9346. EPA’s oil spill prevention program includes the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) and the Facility Response Plan (FRP) rules.