For more information, please visit our dedicated Join our online immersive open day event to experience university life at Queen Mary.You’ll take five systems-based modules and three student-selected components in each of the two years of Phase 1.Modules are based on body systems, which in turn encompass various scientific and medical themes. Working alongside clinical teams, you’ll expand and apply the knowledge and skills acquired during Phase 1.You’ll also complete three SSCs over the two years, based around clinical scenarios, patient interviews and history taking.Please note that all modules are subject to change.The final year of the programme provides you with clinical and community placements, including in a GP surgery.Throughout the year you’ll return to the medical school for a teaching programme, which incorporates individual sessions in communication skills and simulated patient scenarios.You’ll complete your SSC programme, which may include spending time in a specialism not previously experienced or gaining a deeper understanding in an area that already interests you.You will also complete your Intermediate Life Support qualification.After your final examinations, you’ll complete a six-week elective in the UK or overseas. We draw on our long experience to provide the best in modern medical training, with high-tech teaching facilities, and aim to prepare you for life as a qualified doctor.Our strong core curriculum will equip you with clinical, communication, observation, teamwork and management skills.
You can apply to non-college specific scholarships available for The curriculum is underpinned by research, linking your learning to the work of the faculty, from the laboratory bench to new drugs to public health interventions.With less emphasis on traditional lectures, problem-based learning in small groups encourages you to take an independent approach to clinical scenarios. Small groups of students and a facilitator work together to understand and explain a clinical scenario through teamwork and independent research.You’ll have access to an extensive online medical knowledge base, which includes lecture notes from across the programme, papers and research.Your progress is monitored through a combination of continuous assessment and regular examinations, with final exams each year.A scheme of merits and distinctions recognises excellent or outstanding performance across each sector of the curriculum. For many students, this is one of the most eagerly anticipated and memorable experiences at medical school – an opportunity to explore medicine in an entirely new environment, both socially and culturally.Following your elective, you’ll spend three weeks shadowing a current Foundation Year (FY1) doctor in the hospital where you’ll be based for your own FY1 training.Please note that all modules are subject to change.Take a year out of your medical studies to earn a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree. Queen Mary University of London is a leading research-intensive university with a difference. Queen Mary University of London has opted into the TEF and received a Silver award.
Its history dates back to 1785 and beyond, with each of its four founding institutions established to provide “hope and opportunity” to under-represented members of society. The university has over 27,000 students and more than 4,600 members of staff. Contact the university. You’ll also need to factor in the cost of flights and accommodation. Queen Mary University of London is a leading research-intensive university with a difference.
Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road London E1 4NS +44 (0) 20 7882 5555 Follow us: Some are carried out in blocks of two to five weeks, while others run throughout the year.Please note that all modules are subject to change.You’ll undertake a series of placements in our associate teaching hospitals and in the community, returning regularly to the medical school for teaching weeks and assessments. To learn more about our cookies and how to manage them, please visit our cookie policy