When it does occur, it will only occur after a long period of time. But these friendships inevitably end when either person’s tastes or preferences change. But maybe that’s not so much a problem with the “soulmate” view of marriage as an incorrect definition of a soulmate. For these friends wish each alike the other’s good in respect of their goodness, and they are good in themselves; but it is those who wish the good of their friends for their friends’ sake who are friends in the fullest sense, since they love each other for themselves and not … Today, the definition of a friend is, “A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations (Oxford Dictionary).” To Aristotle, friendship is much more than this. This requires a longer discussion than we have space for here. In fact, since we cannot love someone’s character unless we know it, and since we only come to know someone’s character after a long period of time, true friendship will be rare. They depend on mutual growth.Rather than being short-lived, such a relationship endures over time, and there’s generally a base level of goodness required in each person for it to exist in the first place.People who lack empathy and the ability to care for others seldom develop these kinds of relationships because their preference tends toward pleasure or utility. Aristotle has some important insights about how such friendship can occur.The two imperfect forms of friendship are based on either utility or pleasure. They help maintain your mental and emotional health.These relationships require time and intention, but when they blossom, they do so with trust, admiration, and awe. This kind of relationship, he found, was more common among younger people.
They’re beneficial and pleasurable. Not everything he wrote is relevant today, of course, and many of his assumptions have been argued against. Thus, even if we might hope that our useful and pleasant relationships will become true friendships, it seems like all friendships—even friendships between virtuous people—would have to begin as friendships of pleasure and utility.To understand what a marriage of true friendship would be like, we have to start with Aristotle’s view of what marriage is about. Aristotle on Friendship. Anyone who has witnessed one parent’s anguish at having to relinquish his or her child to another, untrustworthy, parent’s supervision knows this.The point is this: once you have taken on the lifelong project of raising a child, the success of that project must itself become a central consideration. It’s fine, and even necessary, to have accidental friendships — but there’s far more out there.Aristotle’s final form of friendship seems to be the most preferable. And that’s fine, as long as the two parties gain enjoyment through a mutual interest in something external. We often fall into these kinds of friendships without realizing it. They bring with them some of the sweeter joys that life has to offer.There’s a good reason Aristotle’s work continues to be read some 2,000 years after his death. Public Discourse © 2020 / All Rights Reserved Aristotle observed that these relationships of utility were most common among older people.Think of a business or work relationship, for example.
What it might mean, though, is keeping your joint focus squarely on the goal of life and guarding against what might destroy that focus. One’s real soulmate is whoever accompanies and guides and shores you up as the both of you mutually attempt to improve your souls. For Aristotle, any relationship has to be So far, Aristotle’s description of marriage doesn’t sound very lofty.
Rather than utility or pleasure, this kind of relationship is based on a mutual appreciation of the virtues the other person holds dear. Aristotle outlined two common kinds of friendships that are more accidental than intentional.
They lacked depth and a solid foundation.Instead, he argued for the cultivation of virtuous friendships built with intention and based on a mutual appreciation of character and goodness.
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