The average household size was 2.4 people.Of occupied private dwellings in Mildura (State Suburbs), 28.9% were owned outright, 29.2% were owned with a mortgage and 36.7% were rented.In Mildura (State Suburbs), of all households, 65.7% were family households, 30.7% were single person households and 3.7% were group households.In Mildura (State Suburbs), 28.3% of households had a weekly household income of less than $650 and 6.4% of households had a weekly income of more than $3000.The number of households where rent payments were 30% or more of an imputed income measure are expressed in this table as a proportion of the total number of households in an area (including those households which were not renting, and excluding the small proportion of visitor-only and other non-classifiable households). While creating 13,500 more net jobs in January, the unemployment rate jumped from 5.1% to 5.3%.
Calculated percentages represent a proportion of all responses from people in Mildura (State Suburbs) (including those who did not state an ancestry).In Mildura (State Suburbs), 64.9% of people had both parents born in Australia and 17.9% of people had both parents born overseas.There were 14,311 people who reported being in the labour force in the week before Census night in Mildura (State Suburbs). Mildura Rural City Council - Mildura Rural City Council - Logo
This could have been through a desktop/laptop computer, mobile or smart phone, tablet, music or video player, gaming console, smart TV or any other device. To access the hidden content within each section, select the section to display the content, then use arrow keys to navigate down to the expanded content.includes selected people & dwelling characteristics Data refer to place of residence. The highest rate of U.S. unemployment was 24.9% in 1933, during the Great Depression. Therefore, the total responses count will not equal the persons count for this area.
Select once to expand the section and display the hidden content. The median age was 19 years.There has been change in methodology used to calculate the average number of persons per bedroom. The ABS Labour Force Survey provides the official estimates of Australia's unemployment rate.
There were 14,311 people who reported being in the labour force in the week before Census night in Mildura (State Suburbs). Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people made up 4.6% of the population.The median age of people in Mildura (State Suburbs) was 39 years. The nature of the income imputation means that the reported proportion may significantly overstate the true proportion.In Mildura (State Suburbs), 37.4% of occupied private dwellings had one registered motor vehicle garaged or parked at their address, 35.2% had two registered motor vehicles and 14.3% had three or more registered motor vehicles.In Mildura (State Suburbs), 73.6% of households had at least one person access the internet from the dwelling. In the year before the Census, 18.5% of people did voluntary work through an organisation or a group.Of people who did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census in Mildura (State Suburbs), 24.3% worked 5 to 14 hours, 11.1% worked 15 to 29 hours and 9.0% worked 30 hours or more.Of the families in Mildura (State Suburbs), 36.3% were couple families with children, 41.3% were couple families without children and 20.7% were one parent families.In Mildura (State Suburbs), 15.8% of single parents were male and 84.2% were female.In Mildura (State Suburbs), of couple families with children, 19.4% had both partners employed full-time, 3.7% had both employed part-time and 21.4% had one employed full-time and the other part-time. Unemployment remained above 14% for nine years, from 1931 to 1940.