All coaches shall comply with the USA Hockey and Mid Am Screening Policy. The rule that was passed for the 2017-18 season did not allow any 12U players to play up on a 14U nationally bound team. On an annual basis, on or before September 1, all Local Associations shall provide Mid Am with written notice of the names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of their officers, directors, and Safesport Coordinator in a form prescribed by Mid Am. All decisions of a Mid Am Hearing Committee may be appealed to the full Mid Am Board. Each player, coach and team manager shall adhere to the word and spirit of the USA Hockey Playing Rules and to the USA Hockey Rules and Regulations as printed in the USA Hockey Annual Guide. Managers shall comply with the USA Hockey Safe Sport Policy. Only duly registered officials holding USA Hockey referee cards and displaying the USA Referee crest shall be authorized to serve as referees or linesmen in any or all hockey games played within Mid Am. Daily Town Halls also help set the agenda for the upcoming season. Development Experts Urge Players And Parents To Avoid The Rush And Enjoy The Process. Should an applicant seek to roster a single Tier I team, the applicant must establish that exceptional circumstances exist and provide its plan for expanding its number of Tier I teams in the future. All Local Associations have sole responsibility for collecting any agreed upon tuition or fees from their member players. By USA Hockey Magazine, 08/04/16, 11:00AM MDT. State and District Championship sites will be determined by the Mid Am Board and published on the Mid Am web site. Players requesting release from a Tier I or Tier II team shall make written request to be released from their team. Mid Am will not accept a Notice of Dispute related to financial disputes between players and their parents or guardians and Local Association and their teams. A Local Association’s authorization shall at all times be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or termination, for failure to comply with Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and decisions of Mid Am (including its Committees) and USA Hockey. All coaches shall abide by the USA Hockey Coaching Code of Ethics. The Local Association registering the offending team will be prohibited from hosting any USA Hockey sanctioned Invitational Tournament for one (1) year. (d) There should be an evaluation of the player’s skills and abilities completed by the Local Association’s Coaching Director and other impartial coaches in the Local Association. All participant members and teams shall be properly registered with USA Hockey prior to beginning any on ice practices, scrimmages or games. On ice officials shall complete all USA Hockey requirements for recognition as and On Ice Official, including payment of applicable fees, attendance at required educational seminars, successful completion of applicable open-book and closed-book examinations and successful completion of applicable skating tests. “But socially that’s very important, too.
Application for Membership and the Annual Disclosure Form are available on the Mid Am web site. Information will be updated and changed periodically. They will approach hockey as a game emphasizing the qualities of good sportsmanship, and the characteristics that build our amateur athletes into responsible citizens. (a) Upon the Referee’s signal prior to the start of a period and following any stoppage of play, the visiting team shall have five seconds to place a lineup on the ice. Of that number, a record 122,135 were at the 8U level and girls’ participation levels continue to be particularly impressive. This list will include, but not be limited to, a copy of the applicable state government approved Articles of corporation, Constitution and By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, the names and contact information for Applicant’s Board of Directors, Officers, and owners, a description of for profit or not for profit status, a copy of the Internal Revenue Service 501-(c)3 determination letter (if applicable), an operation plan detailing such items as geographic area, developmental growth strategy, initial number of participant members / teams expected at start-up, ice facility plans and agreements, list of current Local Associations in the area and copies of written notice to those Local Associations in the Applicant’s geographic area disclosing the Applicant’s intent to submit an application to Mid Am. All adults functioning as a Coach in any practice, scrimmage or game shall be registered with USA Hockey as a Coach. All coaches shall complete all required USA Hockey Coaching Education as outlined by the USA Hockey Annual Guide, along with any other governmentally required training, such as Concussion training. Each USA Hockey / Mid Am Local Association shall designate a registration software administrator or registrar to make sure all Members are properly registered. Teams must follow appropriate “drop and add” procedures to make approved roster changes prior to January 1 of the current playing season. Historical and current compliance of a program’s Tier I teams with USAH Tier I Standards and Criteria as set forth in the current USAH Annual Guide Rules and Regulations.2.
Officials are role models and leaders and shall conduct themselves as such.
Any player, coach, manager, volunteer, Local Association or league within Mid Am may file a Notice of Dispute with the Mid Am President and Mid Am Secretary only after the disputed case, matter or protest has had a hearing and a determination has been reached or a hearing has been refused by the local governing body, such as the Local Association or league. Registered teams shall adhere to current version of the USA Hockey Playing Rules.