Not only will she maybe say “aww” when she is disappointed, but she might say it when she is feeling sad. If you have been friends with her for a while then it would be more likely that she said it because she considers you as a friend unless she shows otherwise in her body language around you. A lot of times when people are pleasantly surprised they will say “aww… She could very well be disappointed in you, though. It might be the case that she said aww to you for that reason. Simply ask her. She may just be tired and wants it to end abruptly, so she uses a neutral term.“Aww” is neither a positive or negative thing to say, as it depends on the context. Does she know about it? Usually a girl will not just say it with no reasoning. But with a smile. ” As she is taken aback by your kindness and feels grateful towards you. Did you get her hopes up about something and then not follow through?It is all about context. This gives her the opportunity to actually get what is on her mind off of her chest. In this post, I will help you to understand why she might have said aww to you and why other girls might do it as well in the future. It could be the case that she said aww because she is attracted to you. With that being said, she could have said it because she is actually attracted to you but it would likely show in her behavior and body language when she is around you. If a girl recently said aww to you then you might be wondering why and what it might mean about how she feels about you. It does not have to be something that you have done or said. What one girl means by it isn't what another girl means. If it were completely self-explanatory, you wouldn’t have turned to the internet for advice. We aren't a big conspiracy where we all have secret committees agreeing what we mean when we say "aww" or call someone "cute" in every single situation When trying to understand why she said aww to you it would be helpful to consider when she said it. If you are hurt, she is hurt. It doesn't mean anything. She may be saying it as in, “ Aww, thank you so much! This is because she could have been showing one body language sign in particular due to a number of different reasons. If you want to be sure that she is attracted to you then it would be helpful to see multiple signs of attraction at the same time. If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be I created and currently manage Body Language Central, one of the premier sources for body language-related knowledge. She may be saying it in a way like, “” Because she feels bad for you. It would help to consider the body language that she was showing you. I really wanted to go outside and doing something.”She may not say it in so many words, but do you see how she is upset about the weather and not at you?You can’t always take something so personally, because she may mean it in an entirely different way than you assumed.How are you supposed to tell if she’s disappointed in something other than you, especially if she doesn’t specify? Body language plays a key role in our daily lives. If she reacts to seeing you by changing her body language and behavior then it would be a sign that she has positive or negative feelings about you. If she does then it would be likely that she would not show attraction around you and her body language would likely be the same as it is around her friends. I hope that my website can help condense the wide amount of body language information available and allow you to make full use of it in your daily life. Did something bad happen to you? She might just be saying it as a way to vent her disappointment.Aww man, the weather is so bad today. They aren’t as difficult as we think, as long as we know what to be on the watch for at all times.How did she say it? Some do not feel the need to add on anything else because they feel as if the tone of voice they are using is enough to tell you what they mean. She also showed me her favorite song, and is comfortable talking about personal things, like p*riods and stuff. How do you two know one another?These are all important factors when it comes to figuring out what she meant when she said it to you.You may find that a girl will you hit with “aww” when she is let down by something.
It is okay to be calm and NOT be concerned about every word someone says. I don’t know what “awww" means because it could go either way. You might find a girl saying “aww” after you have done something nice for her. Some of my friends and some of hers think we'd be cute together so I hope it is something in my favor. xXJugheadJonesXx. A lot of times when people are pleasantly surprised they will say “aww” as a form of gratification towards the other person.
If she said it after you gave her a compliment then it would be possible that she was showing that she considers you as more of a friend. How can you tell? I like a girl. If she is from a culture where it is normal for women to say aww or she says it to other people a lot naturally then it would be likely that she said it to you because she naturally says it to people. She will not be upset with you for asking.On the contrary, she might be appreciative that you are showing interest in what she is feeling. It could be that she was rejecting you in a polite way or that she was being friendly. Have you not ever said “Awww”. It could be a sign that she likes you especially if she only does it to you and she shows other signs of attraction when she is around you.