The birth rate is 16.736 births per 1,000 people, which has significantly decreased over the past few decades. Argentines often call the country a "crisol de razas," or mix of races. Argentina's population is overwhelmingly European in origin (principally from Spain and Italy); there is little mixture of indigenous peoples. The most prevalent race in Argentine is white, which represent 98.25% of the total population. Argentina’s population density is around 15 persons per square kilometer and while this is expected to increase in the coming decades, it is well below the world average of 50 persons per kilometer. They were taken in 1914 and 1947, but by 1960 the country had settled into a pattern whereby the surveys were carried out every ten years. There are significant numbers of Argentines who are descendants of Arabs, particularly from Lebanon and Syria, and there are also Argentines who trace their origin to Jews.Argentina has the largest population of people with Jewish ancestry in Argentina experienced huge immigration of Italians in the country at the beginning of the 19th century immediately after the country attained statehood. Population density will go up to 20.2 people per square kilometer. The ethnography of Argentina makes this country, along with other areas of relatively modern settlement like Canada, Brazil, Australia or New Zealand, a crisol de razas (race crucible), or a melting pot of different peoples. About 261,000 French people moved to Argentina between 1857 and 1946. As from 1857 to 1960, approximately 2.5 million Spaniards immigrated to Argentina mainly from Galicia, Catalonia Cantabria, Asturias, and the Basque country. The 1960 census showed that numbers had grown to 20,013,793 and Argentina has maintained consistent growth to the present day.Christianity is by far the dominant religion in Argentina with 76.5% of the population being Roman Catholic and an additional 9% being Protestant. Italians have large established communities in the country, and they found mainly in the country’s capital city of Buenos Aires and provinces such as La Pampa province, Santa Fe province, Tucuman province, Entre Rios province, Cordoba province, and the province of Buenos Aires. In 2010, Argentina became the The current median age of the population in Argentina is 31.7 years of age, with a total life expectancy of 77.3 years of age. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, Argentina received more than 6.6 million immigrants, second only to the Most Argentines are descended from several European ethnic groups, with more than 55% having Italian origins. The reason why Argentina experience huge immigrants from Italy was the economic problems the Italian states were unified to form one country, and as a result the country was impoverished and experienced high levels of unemployment as well as political turmoil, and as a result the majority of Italians saw Argentina as a place to begin a new life.
About 17% have French origins, and about 8% are descended from German immigrants. Between 1492 and 1832 Argentina received about 2.4 million Spaniards who immigrated to Argentina. Argentina today has a large Arab population, most of whom are from Argentina has a fairly high proportion of seniors over the age of 65, who account for almost 11% of the population.
The Argentine population density is 715.76 people per square mile, which is much higher than the state average density of 102.25 people per square mile and is much higher than the national average density of 82.73 people per square mile. Argentina demographics 2019 The population growth rate is 0.90% (413,000 residents, including 337,840 deaths). In the post-colonial era, between 1832 and 1950 there was a large influx of Spaniards also into the country from different parts of Spain which was part of the great European immigration work to Argentina. The Italian population in the country is the world’s 2nd largest found outside of Italy, and they are about 25 million citizens accounting for 62.5% of the country's total population. The total population in Argentina was estimated at 44.9 million people in 2019, according to the latest census figures. However, in the 1840s Argentina had received immigrants with French ancestry particularly from neighboring countries such as Uruguay.