vein, to which Megan replied "Oh, don't let that get to ya. My friend saw Gaga in concert around 2010 and said she was a huge bitch to the audience and couldn't have been bothered to be nice. I have a feeling Dennis Rodman is very nice but obviously he has like 10 screws lose.Charles Barkley said there's no one cheaper than Scottie Pippin and Michael Jordan. Did she get him blackballed because it seems like he's dropped off the planet? [quote]Also, her (Angelina Jolie) beauty is far from natural. She is all smiles for the camera but she's a huge bitch behind the scenes.Julia slept with Vera's husband and she calls her low. In the late 90s he frequented a store I worked at in West LA. My mom was engaged to him for five years after dating him for five years, even though she's a lesbian and he knew it the entire time. Impossible.You won't hear anyone say a bad word about Henry Winkler. "She was trying to tell everybody she could that she and Bobby were a perfect match.Gainsbourg was one of the most disgusting men who ever lived. They never wound up marrying, though.He wasn't a pervert. I'll pass someone on the street and they'll look vaguely familiar, but it's not until five or ten blocks later I'll think "oh, that was so-and-so! I think it was Amanda Bynes.r404 During the ugly and public Locke-Eastwood split, it was revealed that her first husband was living all along on Eastwood's estate. [quote] Bill Murray is now better known as an asshole, but in his earlier days people did think he was a nice guy.Uh, you have that quite in the reverse. She was rushing through an airport and a fan tried to stop her for an autograph and Ellen brushed her off. Wrote some great tunes though.Not surprised by that, R472. I dunno, maybe having to earn your living with your hand shoved up a lamb's ass does things to one's ego. And did two Horrible bosses movies with Spacey. Has a fetish for cute female rats and they usually cry and die during sex(rape)but he DGAF.There's an OLD rumor about Clint that he prefers anal sex, but I always thought that meant with a woman. Winkler said on Howard Stern when asked about the film and said, "I got along great with Hooch. sounds like a howler monkey. I tried to catch her eye to warn her off, but she of course was fixated on Miss Lansbury. [quote]R294 is absolutely correct. I think he's was genuinely bi. Doesn't fit with his "peace and love" persona.At St. Jude Hospital, families never receive a bill.Now leave the presents and get the hell out of my fucking office before I have you arrested!I’d assume none of them are as nice as they seem. He leaves.We clear security and head down.
He was friendly with the rich and powerful, but not with ordinary folks.I'm almost afraid to ask but has anyone heard anything good or bad about Felicia Day aka the fairy queen of the nerds?Jane Fonda, met her during the young, protester days by University campus. The one post that stuck out to me was from someone who claimed to have been a crew member on The Office. He seemed like such a nice guy, I was shocked to hear he physically abused her. I'm gonna send them loving energy. [quote]William Shatner was hated by everybody on the Star Trek set, with the possible exception of Leonard Nimoy, who seemed to be able to tolerate him.Toward the end of Nimoy's life he cut Shatner out completely, apparently because Shatner wanted him to be in a documentary about Star Trek captains and Nimoy said no, so Shatner secretly filmed him at a sci-fi convention and used the footage without permission. Chris Evans doesn't need to do that s***.Jenny slate was supposedly telling people that after 9 pm, Jon was useless. Anyone have any stories to tell?I worked the press junket years ago for "In and Out" in NYC. They start whispering incredibly loudly "that's [so-and-so]", so that the person hears them and then they giggle and preen, and then sort of scream at the person and say "I love you, I love you" on repeat instead of trying to have a basic conversation. So glad I’m not famous.Morgan Freeman. Impossible.You won't hear anyone say a bad word about Henry Winkler.
Which may or may not be linked to his dad’s murder many years ago.Since appearing "nice" is common for imaging/PR purposes, I'm not surprised that many celebs aren't as nice as they seem. She called them the 'dogs.' He's probably been able to get away with it for so long. They actually became close friends AFTER the show and she even (if I remember correctly from Howard Stern) videotaped Garth giving birth. I don't have a clue why people like her so much.Billie Lourds is a major bitch. Tom Selleck was a total pleasure (yes I knew he was conservative at time). She didn't even let me finish my salad.I suspected Lidia Bastianich was not a very nice person, just from watching her cooking shows. I do like her work, but still.I wonder if the stepkids are waiting for Betty to die so they can release a stepmonster book about her.From what I understand, Britney never really cheated on Timberlake with Wade, Wade kissed her and Timberlake thought she was cheating on him or something. Shit like that would never be tolerated today.I wrote this before. I'm surprised that "Friends" is still so beloved since the entire cast seem like assholes in real life.Clint Eastwood ruined that woman's life. So the record label called and said, 'If you want to change this, you can.'
Expects to be comped for meals when he goes out to eat with his entourage. However, what irritated her the most wasn't the Mariah Carey comparisons, but 1). I recognized Guttenberg ,but had no clue who the rest were at the time.
It looked like most of the others kept distance from her where they could, and where they couldn’t maintained a chilly professionalism with her.I loved how Amber & Seth were in one of her shots and spent the whole time flirting and making jokes with each other while she sat there awkwardly in-between not looking at or interacting with either of them.