In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a mysterious text “Energy Flows” using the texture of the stone in Photoshop. Now we will apply styling to the second layer with the text ‘SAINT b’, so do not forget to include the appearance of a duplicate of the layer with the text! So let’s get started! Using a stone texture for the background of a business card or to enhance text on a brochure printing design is actually very simple with Photoshop. To do this, apply a layer style. Go to the settings window To add color to the edge of the text and create a glowing edge effect, we must apply a layer style. Also, using a chalk brush, delete the texture areas:Group all the layers with the stone texture into one group. So apply a layer style. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a photo manipulation of In this Photoshop tutorial we will learn how to create a wrinkled paper effect. 500-600 Pixel Größe) mit schwarzem Hintergrund erstellen (für das Tutorial habe ich die Bilder nur verkleinert, die Originalgröße war 600×400 Pixel).
In this tutorial we will create the effect of three-dimensional blocks. Set the font size to 130 pt, Duplicate the text layer, name the duplicate ‘SAINT b’ layer, as shown in the screenshot below. In this lesson, you will learn how to create hot text from a stone using two layers, using the vanishing point in perspective. Photoshop » Text Effects » Stone Text Step 1 Neue Datei über [STRG] + [N] (mit mind. These text styles are perfect for a variety of modern themed projects, menus, cards, invites, invitation, and loads more. A type selection can cut out any part of a picture for use any way you want.
This tutorial will show you how to create a chiseled stone text effect with just couple of simple steps in Photoshop. You can edit pictures along with adding different types of effects to the text that you create in this software. In this lesson, you will learn how to create hot text from a stone using two layers, using the vanishing point in perspective. Let’s try!This lesson is of medium complexity, for which you will need a basic knowledge of Photoshop, including the basics of working with layer-masks.Note: This lesson is done in Photoshop CS6 – so some screenshots may differ slightly from previous versions of the program. Highlight part of the image:To this layer with the texture of water, add the following adjustment layers:Next, add a correction layer to the water texture layer. Final result. Click on the images above to view the high resolution version of the text styles. You can see my result of the drawn clouds in the screenshot below:Load the Stone texture in Photoshop, select the top of the rock, as shown in the screenshot below:Next, using a soft eraser, process the edges of the Stone texture to combine this texture with the clouds in the background:Repeat the previous process, add another part of the rock, only this time placing on the left side of our scene:In this step we will work on the text. Type the word ‘Saint’ or any other word of your choice using the Stonecross font. 01. 1. Create a hot stone text in Photoshop. So apply a layer style. So let’s get started!Set the Concrete texture by double clicking on the concrete01.pat file.On the layer with the Background, duplicate it, for this we go Next, we add a red glow to create a reflective effect in the background. Create a background. In this tutorial, I will tell you how to combine typography and photo to This site uses cookies to store data. Next, we need to add shadows to separate the text from the background. I decided to For many artists, creating illustrations begins with a pencil and a sheet of paper. How To Add a Stone Texture Using Photoshop. Open a picture that has either a rock on it or just a plain stone texture. Next, we add shadows to separate the text from the background. In this lesson, you will learn how to create hot text from a stone using two layers, using the vanishing point in perspective. The Stone texture will form the basis for the text, while the water texture will be used to create an “Energy Flow” around the text. To do this, apply a layer style. So apply a layer style. Apply scaling by turning the selected part of the texture, as shown in the screenshot below. Now we will apply styling to the second layer with the text ‘SAINT b’, so do not forget to include the appearance of a duplicate of the layer with the text! Warp tool (Warp) you Color is an emotional environment. Turn off the visibility of the duplicate layer with the text ‘SAINT b’ to make it easier for you to work, because until we are going to use this layer.We will need to create two contours to get a volume effect. With the text frame selected go to Type > Create Outlines to convert the text to a vector format. Such a text effect is usually used in party flyers, in advertisement campaigns, in business cards and basically in any design where communication is needed. Free Stone Text Styles are a stone ASL Photoshop text effect with bevelled style.