A scary point-and-click room escape adventure game, created by Psionic Games. This game requires Flash, please enable Flash to play this game. Click through to complete the game!Click through the introduction until you are unstrapped from the dentist chair.Click to get out of the chair (the x-ray light should be on the right). Examine the trash bin on the lower right. Put them in their proper place and push the button. Click the corpses hand to examine it. I was surprised when it helped! If I had to give a rating between the first two? Once the green meter on the right is filled, back away.Turn to the left. I've played another game of yours called Icescape back when I was very young and just by now I find out you make a lot more flash games than … ! Click through to complete the game!Odd...did anyone else find that it wasn't necessary to complete most of the steps in the walkthroughs to escape?I didn't need to disable the video cameras, or complete the "tooth puzzle" to open the final door, which was open from the moment I entered the living quarters (though the mouseover tip said it was locked).At first I thought that there might be a "better" ending than the one I reached in this manner, but I got the same one as in the video walkthrough.Didn't need to do the tooth puzzle, or the keypad puzzle - the door to the hallway leading to the elevator was already unlocked.Not quite as vile as Killer Escape 1, but still not exactly a pleasant experience to play.The scariest thing about this game was the voice acting... and not in a good way. Thank you for being a part of my sweet childhood memory.While all other riddles were challenging as they should, the computer riddle is definitely badly designed with not the slightest clue as to what kind of commands that computer input expects. Back away from the flytrap view.Click to take a closer look at the corner to the right of the X-ray light. Once again, to unlock the lift, you must quickly and correctly click the proper button indicated by the number on the left, four times in a row. Though the buttons aren't labeled, they stand for 123 across the top, 456 in the center and 789 at the bottom. Use the pliers on the gold tooth. Pick up the x-ray underneath the shelves. Examine the lift lock that's to the left of the covered cadaver. Click the empty gas canister on the lower left to move it. Examine the lockers on the right. You should be facing the corner with a computer on a desk. Use the pliers on the gold tooth. Examine the lift lock that's to the left of the covered cadaver. Click the bottom of the dentist chair to look underneath it.Open your inventory and use the fishing line on the grate.
Escape the Car Walkthrough Escape the Car Solution Full walkthrough solution that will guide you with tips and hints in order to solve... 100 Doors of Revenge Levels 31 to 35 Solution to 100 Doors of Revenge for doors 31 to 35. Click the lift lock on the right to examine it. Open your inventory and take out the scalpel. Killer Escape 2, a free online Adventure game brought to you by Armor Games.
But the Observer has other plans for you... Point & Click Escape adventure with mature themes and CG Blood ;-) There's a link to the video walkthrough on my site in the Inventory if you get really stuck! Put them in their proper place and push the button. Click several times, and you'll open the panel, finding the killer's secret notes. All Rights Reserved.JayIsGames offers a free online experience with the best free online games. Use the fishing line in the toilet to collect the wolf fang. So, this time, Jigsaw killer set a new trap in which you will have to save a stranger, who is locked in the spike room to get the key and escape from the place. Examine the lift lock on the right side of the door, underneath the "living quarters" sign. What we really need to do now, though, is type OPEN DOOR 1. Back away. Examine the trash bin on the lower right.
Examine the venus flytrap under the x-ray light. Click the corpses hand to examine it. Old Medieval Tavern. The second locker has a newspaper clipping in it as well. Pick up the "old piece of paper" in the upper right. Pick up the surgical scalpel from the tray, as well as the tiny silver tooth from the tray's upper right corner. Killer Escape: Get ready for a gruesome discovery or two in the latest freaky escape game from horror master Psionic. :-)Thank you. Is the end near?
Click in the upper left of the screen to "Look Over Here".Pick up the fishing line from the back of the chair. Detail answers with full explanation to the ... 100 Doors of Revenge Levels 41 to 50 Walkthrough 100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough for levels 41 to 50 Some new levels were added, and...Everything about everything. Once the green meter on the right is filled, back away. This computer has a lot of interesting information on it, (check out DOC 13, DOC 100, DOC 768, DOC 666 and DOC 999) and the AI will respond to a fair number of questions. Use our Please consider creating a Casual Gameplay account if you're a regular visitor here, as it will allow us to create an even better experience for you. I like the SAW meets Cabin In The Woods vibe, unoriginal but enjoyable.Has anyone gotten all of the awards yet? Turn to the right so that you are facing the dentist chair.Pick up the photograph on the left that's resting on the covered cadaver.
Examine the venus flytrap under the x-ray light. Since 2003, we review every day only the best, including casual games, flash games, arcade games, indie games, download games, shooting games, escape games, RPG games, puzzle games, mobile games and much more. Looks like the killer doesn't want to let you go yet. Click the fish tank to examine it.Use the finger in the tank to distract the piranha. I just can't take jumpscares, my heart is too weak for this. (These X-rays can be held up to the X-ray light to examine them, though this is not strictly neccesary for finishing the game). Click to take a closer look at the dentist chair. These are key to unlocking the computer. Move around and click on the objects in the jail.
Back away.
Back away from the lockers, then turn around to face the closed door.The closed door can be opened with the key in your inventory. Other than that a fairly good game but I'd prefer it if they'd spent more time designing puzzles than adding awards for doing things arbitrary to completing the game.