Similarly, thanks to a change in its technology, in 2018 Sigma managed for 30% of its 145 gr yogurt containers in Mexico to use 27% less plastic, therefore generating less waste.Sigma has a Working Manual for Hazardous Waste Management that aims to identify, control, minimize, give value, and comprehensively manage the hazardous waste generated by each Work Unit, and that seeks to develop a comprehensive waste management culture. : comprehensive solid and liquid waste management program, occupational health and safety program, emergency response/contingency plans, among others), in addition to the regulatory requirements for voluntary Clean Industry certification in Mexico and those of other countries where it operates.To favor energy efficiency and reduce negative impacts on the environment, Sigma has implemented programs that foster best practices to reduce the consumption of energy and fuel, in addition to water, inputs, and raw materials.Among the most significant programs implemented in 2018, special mention should be made of the following: i) the Clean Transport Program, which, due to the results it achieved in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction through fuel changes and route optimization, obtained, for the fifth time, the "Excellent Environmental Performance" recognition awarded by the Government of Mexico; and ii) the "Zero Landfill" Program, successfully implemented in Europe, which has managed to recycle 100% of the solid waste generated by the Company in 2018 and which is scheduled to be implemented in three additional plants in Europe as of 2019.In 2018, Sigma created the “Sustainability Community,” in order to define, monitor, and manage each of the sustainability goals defined for 2025.
According to its 2018 Sustainability Report, Sigma is incorporating a questionnaire with questions related to Well-being for its suppliers, which will be integrated into the internal Supplier Certification program (see Section 4.6.a).The Global Supplier Master Data Management Policy provides that, should a supplier fail to comply with each country's labor laws or Sigma's policies or regulations, that supplier will be blocked in the System and will no longer be able to supply inputs or materials to the Company.Sigma's operations are subject to environmental protection laws and regulations in the countries where it operates. Environmental key performance indicators (KPIs) are defined pursuant to the Cleaner Production regulation (in Mexico) and other certifications, depending on their country of location.Through the Shared Value pillar, Sigma is committed to listening to and servicing different stakeholders through more than 20 communication channels made available to satisfy the needs of customers, suppliers, consumers, shareholders, and collaborators. 105 concerning the Abolition of Forced Labor. However, in many cases, it has incorporated stricter internal standards and has begun to migrate its existing energy portfolio to one with cleaner, renewable sources such as wind, biomass, and solar power. In this regard, annual training programs are designed and implemented to strengthen the effective response of emergency plans and procedures. The objective of this system is to report any situation that is considered a breach of the appropriate levels of transparency, trust, or security. Likewise, Sigma, in observance of the FLL, has an ILR that regulates labor relations by prescribing the minimum rights and duties of employers and employees, and which promotes equality and equity in the enjoyment of human, civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights between women and men.For Sigma, protecting the physical integrity of its employees is of the outmost importance. As part of this program, more than 600 volunteers and 5,000 employees attended courses and workshops at Sigma's virtual university in 2018. Sigma Alimentos is the largest producer and distributor of refrigerated and frozen food in Mexico, and an affiliate of Mexican industrial holding company ALFA .