what is an attribute of an application built with devops in mind quizlet
What is an attribute of an application built with DevOps in mind? DevOps enables shifting some operating responsibilities upstream, while following development work downstream into deployment, and operating and monitoring the solution in production. What are attributes of applications built incorporating DevOps 1. Manage the flow of value through the continuous delivery pipeline 2. overlay measurements with events (deployment and releases) During continuous exploration, information security and other experts perform threat modeling to identify potential security threats based on the solution design and architect to address them. DevOps is a mindset, an enterprise-wide culture and practice. Manage the flow of value through the continuous delivery pipeline 2. overlay measurements with events (deployment and releases) Techniques to achieve a more flexible release process are described in the To achieve these recovery capabilities, the organization will typically need to undertake certain enterprise-level initiatives to enhance architecture, infrastructure, and other nonfunctional considerations to support deployment readiness, release, and solutions in production.DevSecOps shifts security practices left, performing them earlier and continuously (Figure 5.). Indeed, basing decisions on data, where ‘the facts are always friendly’, rather than on intuition, leads to an objective, blameless path toward improvement. This is indeed achievable, as “high-performing IT organizations deploy 30x more frequently with 200x shorter lead times.