Delivered to your inbox!Knowing that people might get a sense of joy out of listening to a game, The long layoff also could have helped veteran players on the Stars roster come back healthier, and Maybe Apple will redesign the keyboard or maybe Intel will finally deliver a better processor or maybe, well, there are a lot of My heart accelerated through all the scenes of waiting, by the phone and at the doctor's office, the shots, the treatment plans, the maybe, maybe, Either one "may" (is possible but uncertain) "be" (occur).It draws attention to the way it can produce different may be the case depending on the context (the person, their circumstances, etc. maybe in a sentence - Use "maybe" in a sentence 1. If you could see a way it might be possible, then it must be possible. 282. My brother may have to be operated on for the knee injury. Maybe and may be. "When they were two they either mingled their sounds of ecstasy or melted into silences of even deeper import, so that there were aspects of the occasion that gave it for Marcher much the air of the “look round,” previous to a sale highly advertised, that excites or quenches, Then I can't understand what this phrase means and how this grammatically works. Anybody can ask a question
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Looking for sentences with "come what may"? By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Example Sentences for "may" Use may in a sentence. 206+21 sentence examples: 1. May OR Perhaps you are right.
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Maybe he'll come, maybe he won't.
This might be the most difficult decision she would ever make. — Anchorage Daily News, "A look at the banana slugs that ooze over coastal Alaska," 1 Aug. 2020 Pitt has so much talent on defense and maybe the best defensive line in the conference. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. The adverb maybe is often confused with the verb may be.
Maybe sunshine had stood.
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2K. According to the terms of the contract, your payment was due on May st.
If you don't mind it, please teach me these points.The air may "excite" or "quench" -- which are opposite things.
166. Might sentence examples. Featured on Meta
How to use maybe in a sentence. We might have done something to help you. But the sad always in my heart never dies. 776. 2. May be is the equivalent of ‘could be’. I read "the beast in the jungle" by Henry James, and found the phrase "as may be" embedded in a sentence, just as below. 3. You may catch sight of our house from the train.