2015;81(6):614–20.Miquel J, Biondo S, Kreisler E, Uribe C, Trenti L. Failure of conservative treatment with Gastrografin(R) for adhesive small bowel obstruction after colorectal surgery. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. The studies that do exist involve relatively few patients [The aim of this study was to describe the mechanisms of adhesive SBO, as well as its morbidity, mortality, and recurrence after surgery for SBO in a defined population.This study included adult patients operated on for adhesive SBO in the Uppsala and Gävleborg regions. Anastomotic leaks, and unspecified use of antibiotics were more frequent in this group, and more of these patients died during follow-up (Table One hundred and ninety-one (48%) patients had an early postoperative complication (Table Forty-one (10%) patients had an early re-operation, including scheduled second look (Fifty- one (13%) patients needed intensive care and they had an average stay of 6 (1–40) days.Median length of follow-up was 66 months (0–122). TS, MC and UK contributed to designing of the study, acquisition of data, and writing and reviewing of the manuscript. Int J Colorectal Dis. Adhesive small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic and open colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
This was, a somewhat higher frequency than previously reported by Kossi et al. This was also the dominating cause for SBO in patients without a history of laparotomy (44/50, 88%). If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, ICU stays, re-operations and mortality were also noted. There were 341,977 inhabitants in Uppsala and 276,637 in Gävleborg, which together make up 6.5% of the Swedish population. Background: Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a common reason for surgical consultation, but little is known about the natural history of SBO. Fevang et al. If small bowel resection was required, the 12-mm trocar insertion wound was extended to perform mini-open surgery, through which the small bowel was brought outside the body for resection and anastomosis.Comparisons between the two groups before propensity score (PS) matching were performed using the Mann-Whitney test to compare continuous variables and Pearsonâs Ï PS â propensity score, ASA-PS â American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification, BMI â body mass index, CT â computed tomography, SBO â small bowel obstruction CI â confidence interval, Std diff â standardized difference. The study was approved by the local ethical committee at Uppsala University (Dnr 2015/196) and registered at The three hospitals had similar clinical routines, but there was no written protocol for management of SBO. Safety randomized patients control of the first 300 in the ADEPT trial.
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[Recurrent SBO was 7% at 1 year and 18% overall during follow-up, a third of these patients required surgery. Surg Endosc. Design Prospective cohort study.