A detailed breakdown of all English language test scores for unconditional, integrated and conditional offers can also be found on the Please note that, in assessing whether you have sufficient English language to successfully complete your course, we consider these qualifications alongside other evidence of English language ability. In the case of combined/ joint degrees the higher entry requirement of the two subjects applies. In addition, students may be able undertake modules outside of the School of Law, opening up SOAS’ array of world-leading options in languages, cultures, arts, humanities, politics, economics and finance, and beyond. For this reason we recommend all Tier 4 visa students to choose the Please note that international distance learning applicants must achieve direct unconditional entry level scores in their English qualifications as In-sessional and Pre-sessional support are not available to them. Please note that: These entry requirements represent the minimum for each subject. The Guardian University Guide (May 2001) placed SOAS as the top Law Department for undergraduate studies in the UK and the Department received a 5 rating in the 2001 government assessment of research in all British universities. Our LLM (Master of Laws) programme gives students the opportunity to study at our vibrant School of Law with its unique focus on the legal systems and legal challenges of the Global South generally and Asia, Africa and the Middle East in particular. The information listed below is for undergraduate and postgraduate English language admissions.to undergraduate and postgraduate applicants when the applicant The LLM may be taken full-time over a period of one year, or part-time over a period of two, three or four years.Our LLM (Master of Laws) teaching reflects our research strengths in the laws of Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and in Islamic, international, human rights, commercial and trade, comparative, and environmental law. Undergraduate Entry Requirements The following table shows the entry requirements for all SOAS undergraduate degrees. It will also include class time, which may include lectures, seminars and other classes. The Law Department at SOAS is one of the most highly-regarded law departments in the UK for the quality of both its teaching and research. Our LLM alumni include John Atta Mills (former President of Ghana); David Lammy MP; Sylvester Umaru Onu (Associate Justice, Nigerian Supreme Court); and Francis K. Butagira (Ugandan Ambassador to Germany).Please note that the LLM is restricted to applicants who hold an LLB. For more information please see our If your qualification is not included in the lists below, or if you require further information, please look at our Examples of the levels of achievement necessary for direct entry for 2020 academic year are given below. Examples of the levels of achievement necessary for direct entry for 2020 academic year are given below. You will join an international alumni of graduates from the LLM at SOAS, many of whom are now working at the UN, in NGOs, in government, in private practice, in policy work or in academia. The structure of the LLM allows students to create their own programme of study, choosing from a wide array of modules, including those in comparative law, international law, law and development, commercial and trade law, human rights, environmental law, Islamic law and dispute resolution. Mode of Attendance: Full-time or Part-time.
If you are a current student you can find structure information on the previous year link at the top of the page or through your Department.
This evidence may be included in your application, such as your references, curriculum vitae or personal statement.While occasionally an exemption is made on the basis of work experience or personal history or the quality of references, we are normally looking for our language requirements to be met exactly. The University has released a statement in response to changes being made to the list of qualifications the UK government considers Secure English Language Tests (SELTs):You must be able to show that your English is of a high enough standard to successfully engage with and complete your course at SOAS. Some subjects, such as learning a language, have more class time than others.