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Their deceit was revealed when one of the men, Johnson Gardner, recognized Glass’s rifle. He is the author of many articles on the real Hugh Glass. It’s like being in a really abusive relationship. The movie is based on the novel. (“A whole 200 yards? He lived. When he was approximately 15 years of age he was living in western Pennsylvania and apprenticed to Henry Wolf of Pittsburgh as a gunmaker. One day while he was out alone hunting for food, he was surprise attacked by a bigass angry grizzly bear. Not everything is perfect, nor could you really expect it to be, but for the most part it is a much better effort than some past offering from Hollywood in which U.S. Model 1873 “Trapdoor” Springfields abound with bronze “flint hammers and frizzens” cosmetically added to give the center-fire rifles the look of muzzleloaders.The back story on the guns is this: Author Michael Punke wrote a novel in 2002 called A PA, wishing to know exactly what an Anstadt rifle looked like, searched for it on the web. Fellow mountain man Daniel T. Potts writes just a few weeks after the events concluded (July 7, 1824) “One man who also tore nearly all to peases by a White Bear and was left by the way without any gun who afterwards recover’d.”A year later James Hall writes in a Philadelphia magazine a more detailed account that even names Hugh Glass as the man “… tore nearly all to peases … .”The celebrated General Philip St. George Cooke, while a junior lieutenant on the frontier, pens a very detailed missive about Glass in 1830.
According to John M Myers in The Death o the Bravos, the Indians were taken into custody and later executed for the death of Glass. DiCaprio also manages to reload a pistol while astride a horse at full gallop in what would seem to be record timing.To the geek in me, these are minor annoyances, and they don’t cripple my interest in the film to the point where I’d leave the theater in disgust. It was almost a kidnapping story at that point. No doubt that during his brief time with Henry Wolf, Glass would have picked up an appreciation for finely crafted rifles as Wolf’s are considered quite rare and well executed by today’s collectors.There isn’t really a whole lot we know about Glass after he runs off from Messer.

It was worth doing everything he could manage to do, this side of dying, to get it back.James Hall is the first to recount this as Glass’s motivation. The PA asked Ron if he could cut 10” off the barrel of the Shuler rifle and make the second one the same length. (They don’t have Grizzly bears in western Florida, do they? It is bound to garner serious Oscar nods for Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as Emmanuel Lubezki, the director of photography.

Fact vs. Fiction .

As they aim for targets it is quite evident that most of the rifles are at half-cock and would be incapable of firing a shot if the trigger was pulled. We brought him to the ship when he soon died. Hugh Glass spent nine months, traveling many hundreds of miles, facing down death via Indians and bears, in order to reclaim a rifle. In late August 1823, he is set upon by a grizzly bear that leaves his body lacerated and shattered. DiCaprio’s portrayal of a man seriously mauled by a grizzly bear and left for dead only to crawl back to civilization after traversing over 300 miles of frozen wilderness is nothing short of spellbinding. Posted on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016 by Jack Giroux So now the story of Hugh Glass has been told once more. A picture depicting Glass being attacked by a bear, from an early newspaper illustration of unknown originHilmarsdóttir, Nanna Bryndís.

We traded with them as friends but after a great storm of rain and thunder they came at us before light and many were hurt. You open with these scenes of Glass and son, carving a star in a hunting rifle—the stock of a hunting rifle. Master Ashley is bound to stay in these parts till the traitors are rightly punished. Hugh Glass, (born c. 1783—died c. 1833), American frontiersman and fur trapper who became a folk hero after surviving a bear attack and then traveling hundreds of miles alone to safety. His body we buried with others near this camp and marked the grave with a log. He died a little while after he was shot and asked me to inform you of his sad fate. Despite the story's popularity, its accuracy has been disputed.

His things we will send to you.
He had festering wounds, a broken leg, and deep cuts on his back that exposed his bare ribs. Glass and the rest of the Ashley Party eventually returned to Henry asked for two volunteers to stay with Glass until he died and then bury him. He lived among them for more than five years, learned their ways and language, and he became quite honored by the tribe, which was devastated when he left for St. Louis to begin a new life as a trapper and mountain man. "Of Monsters and Men Biography". Some say he was a merchant seaman, captured and forced to serve in the pirate fleet of Jean Lafitte. He related that DiCaprio and Hardy knew their way around firearms and the basics of safe handling, but they had no experience with guns from the flintlock period. Gardner, too, saw the rifle for what it was, a rare and unique specimen of Pennsylvania craftsmanship. He eventually traveled to Glass later learned that Fitzgerald had joined the army and was stationed at In the period intervening, between finding "Bridges" and finding Fitzgerald, Glass and four others were dispatched in February 1824 with mail for Fort Atkinson. “Is it possible to find two original Joseph Angstadt rifles for use in this movie, ASAP?”Luckily for all concerned, Ron had a rifle styled after Bucks County maker John Shuler on hand and ready for immediate sale. A work of fiction.

Alejandro Iñárritu will undoubtedly earn at least a nomination for Directing, but for what he did with the story line and Mark L. Smith’s original screenplay, he should be flogged publically by the History Police.The man who made the primary rifle used by Leonardo DiCaprio and Thomas Hardy in the film, Ron Luckenbill, has a great website, Clay Landry is an advisor to two museums whose concentration is the era of the Fur Trade. Flagg wrote that Fitzgerald turned over Glass’s rifle to Henry to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, but all other accounts said Fitzgerald kept the rifle. Hugh Glass Timeline; Hugh Glass Map; The Legend. )The short answer is, yes, they did. It was always about the rifle.

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